Output patterns
Output patterns are expressions to define the generated
filenames. These patterns take as input information about
the java class being processed (like the class name or the
class package).
Output patterns only exists for the multiple output mode.
When a single file is written, it is not generally a problem how to
specify the name, there are severals ways to do this. When the build
result is many files, the story can be different (as you may see in
the first example) so in this case a more complex way of specifying
the output filenames is required.
For all examples we will assume these classes being processed
- net.sf.javadocbuilder.example.1.Util
- net.sf.javadocbuilder.example.2.Util
- net.sf.javadocbuilder.example.Example
These classes are defined respectivly in these files:
- net/sf/javadocbuilder/example/1/Util
- net/sf/javadocbuilder/example/2/Util
- net/sf/javadocbuilder/example/Example
Example 1
This pattern simply creates filenames with the
the name of the java class with the .txt extension
Pattern: {class.name}.txt
- Util.txt
- Example.txt
This pattern has clearly one problem: one of the Util classes 'dissapear', actually is overwritten. This is
because the pattern does not include any separation for the package where the class is. The next example includes
a package specification to avoid this problem.
Example 2
This pattern is a variation of the previous pattern
which avoids the problem of overwriting classes with the same name
in different packages.
Pattern: {package.name}_{class.name}.txt
- net.sf.javadocbuilder.example.1_Util.txt
- net.sf.javadocbuilder.example.2_Util.txt
- net.sf.javadocbuilder.example_Example.txt
All files (as expected) are generated, specifying the package of the class in the output pattern
solved the problem of class overwriting (on the previous example).